السبت, 15 نيسان/أبريل 2023 08:12

    The Impacts of Perceived Content Quality, Computer Self Efficacy, and Course Attributes on Behavioral Intention: The mediating roles of and Subjective Norms, Perceived Ease of Use, and Perceived Usefulness

    Written by Montaha Ali Alsaeed

    Montaha Ali Alsaeed
    Specialized trainer B

    The Public Authority For Applied Education and Training


    The theory of e-learning acceptance is now moving forward to explore the very attributes of the e-learning happening, to ensure quality and relevance of an overall e-learning system. This study uses a survey of 301 students registered with the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training (PAAET) in Kuwait to explain the impacts of perceived content quality, computer self-efficacy, course attributes on behavioral intention. The PLS-SEM analysis suggest, that content quality, computer self-efficacy, and course attributes are important for generating the overall behaviour intention to use e-learning. In this regard, the research has importantly found that these impacts mediates through the subjective norms of the learners and their perceptions, including those related with the ease of use and the usefulness of the e-learning. These findings are important in the new theoretical and policy contexts of moving the technology adoption towards more intrinsic features of the e-learning, particularly in e-learning systems, introduced by the governments in relatively new countries to the e-learning.
    Keywords: E-learning, content quality, self-efficacy, course attributes, behavioural intention, subjective norms, ease of use, usefulness.


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